
Android Application Security Testing

Android Application Security:

                Android Penetration Security Testing is a process of conducting vulnerability assessment and finding security issues in an android application. It involves decompiling, analyzing and testing android application for security point of view. vulnerability assessment can be categorized into 3 parts such as static, Dynamic and Forensic. vulnerability assessment covers OWASP Top 10 issues along with its checklist.  

Part-8: Android Sandbox
Part-13: Reverse Engineering-2
Part-16: Working with DROZER-2

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. It's clearly explains about android application security testing. Security testing plays a major role in software development sector. Secure software can give best outcome to the end user. Penetration testing is an attempt to evaluate the security of an IT infrastructure by safely trying to exploit vulnerabilities. Know more here about security testing services and how it helps your business.
