
Android Application Security Testing Part-17: Android Application Source code Analysis

            The Android operating system (OS) leads the world's mobile platform market as the most used OS for mobile devices. Accordingly, eight out of every ten mobile phones uses the Android OS. Due to this, there are a multitude of mobile applications available for Android devices. The Android OS provides developers with a flexible software engineering platform that is easy to develop for, partly due to its open-source nature. This is in contrast to the closed-source, sandboxed nature of the Apple iOS. However, the flexible nature of the Android platform often results in applications that have a great measure of system access that can result in a number of high-risk vulnerabilities.
                        There are other situations, partly unique to the Android OS, that result in security issues with Android devices that might allow attackers to have an advantage. Combining the popular mechanism of rooting with the practice of not upgrading to the latest Android OS (and thus lacking important security patches) results in a dichotomy between the desired security posture of an Android device, and the reality. It is thus important for security professionals to manually review the source code of Android apps to ensure that no high-risk vulnerabilities exist that can be exploited, and for end-users to always upgrade to the latest, patched Android OS in order to maintain a secure platform.


The risks associated with the Android platform are further increased by the use of the Java programming language as its native language for application development. Java is a popular, object-oriented programming language that has many inherent security flaws that can present exploitable vulnerabilities in its applications. According to security research, Java is known for providing major attack surfaces and for presenting major security holes in software, such as faulty race conditions, deadlocks, and access-control vulnerabilities.

Java is mostly secure but can be improperly implemented by programmers in a way that can allow attackers to fully exploit a system. It is imperative for security engineers to review the source code of applications written with Java, and for software engineers to utilize secure coding practices during the coding stages of application development.

Security Check in Source Code:

S. No.
To Check
Analysis Logic
Does the application leak sensitive information via Property Files?
Check for presence of putString, MODE_PRIVATE, MODE_WORLD_READABLE, MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE, addPreferencesFromResource in Source Code
Does the application leak sensitive information via SD Card storage?
Check for presence of WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in Android Manifest File and getExternalStorageDirectory(), sdcard in Source code
Is the application vulnerable to TapJacking attack?
Check for presence of <Button> tag not containing filterTouchesWhenObscured="true" in Layout file
CanMalicious Activity be performed due to insecure WebView implementation?
Check for presence of
setJavaScriptEnabled(true) in Source code
Does the application leak sensitive information via hardcoded secrets?
Check for presence of // and /* */ in Source code
Can sensitive information be enumerated due to the enabled Autocomplete feature?
Check for presence of <Input> tag not containing textNoSuggestions in Layout file
Does the application leak sensitive information viaSQLite db?
Check for presence of db, sqlite, database, insert, delete, select, table, cursor, rawQueryin Source code
Does the application leak sensitive information due to insecure Logging mechanism?
Check for presence of Log. In Source code
Is critical data of the application encrypted using proper control?
Check for presence of MD5, base64, des in Source code
Does the application implement a insecure transport mechanism?
Check for presence of http://, HttpURLConnection,URLConnection, URL, TrustAllSSLSocket-Factory, AllTrustSSLSocketFactory, NonValidatingSSLSocketFactory in Source code
 Does the application leak sensitive system level information via Toast messages?
 Check for presence of sensitive information in Toast.makeText
Does the application misuse or leaksensitive information like device identifiers or via a side channel?
 Check for the presence of uid, user-id, imei, deviceId, deviceSerialNumber, devicePrint, X-DSN, phone, mdn, did, IMSI, uuid in Source code
 Is the application vulnerable to Intent Injection?
 Check for the presence of Action.getIntent() in the Source code
 Does the application misuse or leaksensitive information like Location Info or via a side channel?
Check for the presence of getLastKnownLocation(), requestLocationUpdates(), getLatitude(), getLongitude(), LOCATION in Source code
·         Binary protection:
o    Lack of binary protections in a mobile application exposes the application to leakage of metadata, certification, encryption keys, application logic and vulnerabilities, credentials (if hard-coded), intellectual property and other sensitive data. 
o    The impact for a business could vary depending on how the attacker exploits the app. It could be revenue loss because of piracy (for example a game with in-app purchases), intellectual property theft, such as a competitor stealing parts of source code, or even reputational damage if confidential client data such as personal identifiable information is accessed.
o    What can an attacker potentially do with an application’s binary? The following are a few examples:
§  Inject backdoor code which will steal sensitive user data. They can then distribute the application through third party App Stores or Internet forums.
§  Crack the application and freely distribute it on the Internet.
§  Bypass any binary protections in place widening the surface for further vulnerabilities and exploitation
o    More on:

·         Hard coded Credentials in Application Source code 
o    Hard-coded credentials typically create a significant hole that allows an attacker to bypass the authentication
·         Hard coded sensitive information in Application code
o    If attacker ableto fin any secret key,  Addresses, emails, CC numbers and other IDs are used frequently for registration, authentication and for other legitimate purposes or any sensitive information they can misuse the sensitive information
·         Private IP Disclosure
·         Weak Encryption
o    Use Strong encryption mechanism to store any sensitive information in the source code, otherwise it is very easy to attackers to decrypt the data.
·         Application is Vulnerable to XSS
o    WebView Potential XSS Attacks Checking: Please check for the below code
Which could exposed to potential XSS attacks. Please check the web page code
carefully and sanitize the output
If your app really doesn’t require JavaScript usage within a WebView then don’t call setJavaScriptEnabled(true).

·         WebView Local File Access Attacks Checking
o     "setAllowFileAccess(true)"
o    The attackers could inject malicious script into WebView and exploit the opportunity to access local resources. This can be mitigated or prevented by disabling local file system access. (It is enabled by default) Note that this enables or disables file system access only. Assets and resources are still accessible using file:///android_asset and file:///android_res.
o    More on: 

·         WebView RCE Vulnerability Checking:
o    WebView addJavascriptInterface vulnerabilities
o    Injecting Java objects into the WebView using the addJavascriptInterface(Object, String)method. This method allows you to inject Java objects into a page's JavaScript context, so that they can be accessed by JavaScript in the page.
o    addJavascriptInterface is used for interface between JS code and local Java. If your browser or other applications has implemented code like below, then you might be vulnerable. Hackers can remote run code on your android device. And they can get remote shell or even to install backdoor application on your device.
·         File Unsafe Delete Checking:
o    Everything you delete may be recovered by any user or attacker, especially rooted devices.
o    Please make sure do not use "file.delete()" to delete essential files.
·         External Storage Accessing
o    DO NOT write important files to external storages
·         SQL Injection
o    The SQLite used in android apps are fully functional databases, so just like SQL Server or MySQL box they can be susceptible to SQL injection. SQL injection typically works by adding data to the query string or adding data in a form field; to give hackers access to a database or unauthorized logins. SQL Injection is usually used to attack Web Views or a web service but it can also be used to attack Activities.The root cause of the SQL Injection vulnerability is due to the use of dynamic or concatenated SQL queries. If SQL queries are constructed by concatenating user supplied inputs; The user can then supply SQL attack vectors instead of valid inputs and manipulate the backend SQL query.The injection process works by prematurely terminating a text string and appending a new command. Because the inserted command may have additional strings appended to it before it is executed, the injected string is terminated with a comment mark “–”. Subsequent text is ignored at execution time. 
·         Allow All Hostname Verifier
o    If app does not check the validation of the CN(Common Name) of the SSL certificate ("ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER" field or
"AllowAllHostnameVerifier" class).
This is a critical vulnerability and allows attackers to do MITM attacks with his valid certificate without your knowledge.
Some more in vulnerbailities Source code analysis..
·         Invalid SSL Certificate
·         Autocomplete is not set to OFF
·         Directory Browsing
·         Improper exception Handling: In code
·         Application build contains Obsolete Files
·         Failure to Implement Trusted Issuers
·         Ignore SSL Certificate Error
·         Weak Custom Hostname Verifier
·         Redundancy Permission Granted
·         Use of Insecure and/or Deprecated Algorithms
·         Insecure permissions on Unix domain sockets
·         Insecure use of network sockets
Automated Tools:
There are several open source tools for automated security analysis of an APK.
·         QARK
·         Androbugs
·         JAADAS

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