
Android Application Security Testing Part-3: Android Architecture

Android Architecture: Android Architecture Contains Linux Kernel, Hardware Abstraction Layer, Libraries, Dalvik Virtual Machine, Android runtime (ART), Application framework.
Linux Kernel
  • Android is built up on the Linux kernel
  • Linux kernel provides basic system functionality like process management, memory management, device management like camera, keypad, display etc.
Hardware Abstraction Layer:
  • Hardware abstraction layer just gives applications direct access to the hardware resources.
  • The libraries are very necessary without which application will not run like webkit library is used for browsing the web, SQLite library is used for maintaining sql database and so on.
Dalvik Virtual Machine:
  • Which is specifically designed by android open source project to execute application written for android . each app running in the android device has its own dalvik virtual machine
Android runtime (ART) :
  • Android runtime (ART) is a alternative to dalvik virtual machine which has been released with android 4.4 as an experimental release, in android lollipop(5.0) it will completely replace dalvik virtual machine. Major change in ART is because of ahead-of-time(aot) compilation and garbage collection. In ahead-of-time(aot) compilation ,android apps will be compiled when user installs them on their device whereas in the dalvik used just-in-time(jit) compilation in which bytecode are compiled when user runs the ap
Application framework:
  • The application framework layer provides many higher-level services to applications in the form of java classes. Application developers are allowed to make use of these services in their applications.

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