
Android Application Security Testing Part-1: Android Indroduction

Android Introduction:

Ø  Android is an open-source Linux-basd Operating System(OS).
Ø  Andy Rubin founded Android Incorporation  in Palo Alto, California, United States in October, 2003 with Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (former VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (Design and Interface Development at WebTV..
Ø  The development of Android started in 2003 by Android Incorporation. which was purchased by Google in 17th August 2005
Ø  Android was developed by the open handset alliance, Which was led by google and other companies.
Ø  The current Android logo was designed by Irina Blok
Ø  Android mobile operating system began with the public release of the Android beta in November 5, 2007. The first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008
Ø  The November 5 date is popularly celebrated as Android's "birthday".
Ø  The first android phone was launched by HTC on 22ndOctober 2008. HTC Dream which is also known as the T-Mobile G1 in the United States of America and some parts of Europe is the first commercially launched device to be powered by Android operating system
Ø  Android OS not only limited to Smartphones, tablets but also extending to Home Appliances, smartTVs (Android TV), Android Auto and smartwatches (Wear OS) ..etc.
Ø  The Google Play Store (originally the Android Market), operated and developed by Google, serves as the official app store for the Android, allowing users to download apps developed with the Android software development kit (SDK) and published through Google
Ø  Android applications are typically written in Java, with its elegant object-oriented design. However, at times, you need to overcome the limitations of Java, such as memory management and performance, by programming directly into Android native interface. Android provides Native Development Kit (NDK) to support native development in C/C++, besides the Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK) which supports Java.
Ø  It is necessary to use native codes (C/C++) to overcome the memory management and performance constraints in Java. Java supports native codes via the Java Native Interface (JNI).
Ø  Java access to C libraries via JNI, short for Java Native Interface.
Ø  Java Native Interface: The java native interface (jni) is a programming framework that enables java code running  in a java virtual machine (jvm) to call and be called by native applications (programs specific to a hardware and operating system platform) and libraries written in other languages such as CC++and assembly.

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