
Android Application Security Testing Part-15: DROZER

·         Drozer is the leading security assessment framework for the Android platform
·         Drozer allows you to assume the role of an Android app and interact with other apps.
·         It can do anything that an installed application can do, such as make use of Android’s Inter - Process Communication (IPC) mechanism and interact with the underlying operating system
·         Drozer also help s to you to remotely exploit Android devices, by building malicious files or web pages that exploit known vulnerabilities. The payload that is used in these exploits is a rogue Drozer agent that is essentially a remote administration tool. Depending on the permissions granted to the vulnerable app, drozer can install a full agent, inject a limited agent into the process using a novel technique or spawn a reverse shell.
·         Drozer is open source software, released under a BSD license and maintained by MWR InfoSecurity
How Drozer works?
Drozer is based on a client-server architecture.
·         Agent : A lightweight Android application that runs on the device or emulator being used for testing. There are two versions of the agent, one that provides a user interface and embedded server and another that does not contain a graphical interface and can be used as a Remote Administration Tool on a compromised device.
·         Console : A command-line interface running on your computer that allows you to interact with the device through the agent.
·         Server :  Provides a central point where consoles and agents can rendezvous, and routes sessions between them.

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